Spot Reflecting Galvanometer finds extensive use as a D.C. null detector in wheat stone bridges and potentiometers.
Mains feed:It is a' mains' operated instrument but can operate on a 6 volt battery also. There is provision to operate this instrument can be operated on both as well as main supply 220 volts, 50Hz or 6 Volt Capacity.
Light Source:The light Source is 6 Volt and 0.3Amp bulb giving a bright spot on the scale.
Construction: The galvanometer has built in lamp and scale arrangement and housed in a bakelite case.The highly sensitive moving coil system is suspended in a taut band manner in a uniform field of permanent magnet.
Scale:The scale is 150mm long and end zero use.
Zero Adjustment: The spot of light can be set at any point on the scale with the help of zero adjusting knob.
Sensitivity Control: The sensitivity is controlled by a 2-pole,6 way switch. The switch Positions are D,1/10,1/100,1/1000 and s/c